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Sensorimotor Art Therapy

Sensory contact with clay, finger-paints and textures of collage materials creates a feedback loop between motor impulses and sensory awareness that is non-verbal and not image based, but appeals to the sensorimotor needs of our earliest psychological development.


Unlike any other body part our hands are extraordinary complex sense organs. On our fingertips every square inch of skin has about 16.000 touch sensors that communicate with our brain.

 Haptic object relations refers to the way we engage with the ‘world’, how we discovered as infants and children the environment around us. At every stage core needs demand satiation. I will find suitable art materials that appeal to clients, and support them in their discoveries in a safe environment, They are often able to repair implicit traumatic memories that have no story to tell, but that have been formative for their sense of identity. Such discoveries are rhythmic, repetitive and non verbal.  By increasing the goodness and creating a sense of sensorimotor fulfilment through touch, we can stimulate neurophysiological repair that is lasting and deeply transformative.

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